Yesterday the complex where we live had a pool party. The management cooked hot dogs and hamburgers and they had all the trimmings for them. Overall it was also sponsored by AT&T U-Verse. All the people from AT&T were there trying to sign you up if you weren’t already with AT&T. They are so serious about this that they have a representative assigned to the complex. I am not going to go into detail about the service on the TV or the internet, but as far as the PHONE is concerned, the service has been outstanding. I was having a little problem with “hangers onto my line” like what we’ve heard about in Washington for Verizon users. So if it was happening for Verizon, it was happening to AT&T too. I was so shocked when I called after a month of pickups and click-offs, hoping I was paranoid, but when my line was checked, I was told I had some “interference” on it. The rep couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but he didn’t particularly like all of the stuff going on in Washington either, and this was soon after the Verizon fiasco surfaced, so he told me he was sending a rep out. You can’t believe my amazement when the tech guy said that yes, my line was tapped! He asked me what I talk about and who I speak with. I have had one Skype conversation with a candidate in London and one phone conversation with an attorney in London. But otherwise, I keep my LinkedIn contacts to professionals in what I would consider “safe” countries. Now as to my conversations, to any and all, there was a lot of discussion of all the stuff going on. That was when you could hear the “pick-up”  and when conversation went back to business, you could hear the “hang-up”. What  was important was that people I was speaking with could hear it too. Of course my family thought I was crazy. you, I am always talking about how the world is going toward that time that the Bible has predicted. The Rapture has to be close by in time, just based on what is happening in the Middle East and with Israel in particular. To me, this is very exciting. I have read and studied prophecy scriptures since my 20’s-yep 40 years! But back to my phone-the tech guy put a whole system filter on it since I write freely as well as use the phone. Yesterday my techie brother put out a notice to everyone that anything we write is subject to being read by Big Brother. So my phone was working fine for about 3 weeks, then it started up again. Thank goodness my original service guy had given me his direct number. I called and this time a little higher lever tech came out and put something different-I won’t say what- on our system and so far so good.  Well at least in terms of what I can hear. I know Big Brother has gadgets that they can use and they don’t need to tap a line to hear a conversation.  What is amazing to me is why me? Just because I am vocal about all the scandals in Washington and I was very vocal with the Gestapo state government that has a new state law about registering your car if you are a new resident–I did call the state senator, my local state legislator, the governor, the tax collector, the TV stations, the radio stations (talk) and posted to their Facebook pages, I still don’t see why anyone would do that. This is America! We are supposed to be able to speak our minds.  Certainly the far left does with impunity, so why shouldn’t I?   So that was the Oprah version of why At&T has my phone and internet service. We won’t talk about the TV service.

What I really wanted to talk about was the party and getting to know a few of my neighbors. I met a lovely woman, a teacher of reading and math to third graders. She had read the “Left Behind” series.  (By the way if you haven’t read the books, you should, it takes the prophecy scripture, puts it into novel form and allows the reader to see exactly what is going to happen to those who are left behind after the rapture of the church) I have read all 14 books twice. They are fantastic. Every time I would be reading one in public-when I was traveling or in a waiting room for instance-people would just come up to me and start talking about the book or the series. At any rate, we had a very wide ranging conversation over the course of the party about the books and what has happened since they were written-even more proof that they were “God-inspired. We talked about MR O in the White House. She had very different views than I on him and what’s happening there. I brought up another author, Robert Ludlam. He had written a book called the “Illuminati”. She had read that too. We did agree that it is very possible that such a group exists in our world and chooses who is in any government, who lives and who is assassinated.

I did talk about this blog, what God has done for me and what He has taught me through the path I have had to walk. I also told her about the book I am reading that I mentioned earlier God’s Astounding Opinion of You.  She said she thought that might make for some really good reading. I hope so. I hope I  have made a new friend.

In conclusion, I just want to salute the women who were serving on the jury in Florida. It was obvious that they took their jobs very seriously by the questions that they asked back of the judge. They took the time needed to go over what they had seen and heard in that courtroom for the last 3 weeks. And to a one they all agreed on a not guilty verdict.  That took some real gumption because everyone knew before this trial started just how much political power was being exerted to even have a trial and then to convict. SO I SAY THESE SIX WOMEN ARE TO BE CONGRATULATED FOR DOING WHAT WAS SO OBVIOUSLY RIGHT TO MOST OF THE WORLD WHO ACTUALLY WATCHED THE TRIAL VS THOSE WHO TAKE THEIR BELIEF AND BEHAVIOR CUES FROM PEOPLE WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN AGENDAS-NOT WHAT MIGHT BE BEST FOR THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

 Now I rest my case as my words about this particularly poor example of our political system but hope that the world sees that when a true and honest court is held-even with a prejudicial judge-that our system works!! Hallelujah!


I was listening to a sermon online tonight from Palm Sunday. I was visiting the church site to see who and what they were about as you really couldn’t tell from the name. but oh, how I got blessed by all the reading I did and then the listening I did to the sermon…

There was one big important principle: “When God speaks, He really means what He says!” Let me give you an example:

Genesis 1:1…27   In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was dark and formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. God SAID let there be light, and there WAS light…And God SAID let there be an expanse between  the waters to separate the water under the expanse from the water above it. AND IT WAS SO…God SAID let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear. AND IT WAS SO…Then God SAID Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their kinds. And God SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.

Are you getting the picture here? God speaks and He really means it. Of course from there He went on to personally hang the moon and the sun and put the stars out one by one. He knows them all by name and they make music back to him. I know I blogged about that a couple of years ago (see Psalms 148) And after the sun and the moon, here comes the creatures, flying, crawling, racing, thumping, scampering, even, slithering, or just moseying along like cattle do. And finally here is the sixth day. Only He can do it justice:

God said, “Let us make man in our image in our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Do you notice  that the fact that we are created in His own image is apparently so very important that God repeated TWICE? He created us to be a reflection of Him! Of course I could get on my platform and talk about how none of us, not one of us is close to a reflection of Him. I could talk about the state of our America and a poll I saw this week that said 73% of Americans are ok with same sex marriage-this was from a very conservative pollster! But I only want to talk about what God has said to me today to write for me and for you possibly. There is so much promise is this scripture that I am excited to see what God is going to do! Because I know I can’t do it-Without Him I can do nothing at all, but these days unless He leads the way and pushes me from behind, I might not make it there. But now I know that I will. I have every confidence that I will. All because of Jesus !! So the rest of my post is from the book of Joel, a great prophet of the Lord, both for Israel then and for us now. Remember, keep watching!

Joel 2:12-13″Even now, ” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and abounding in love,  and he relents from sending calamity.

        25-26  I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten -the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm-my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed.

28-32   And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.  Even on my servants, both the men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And everyone who calls upon the Lord will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

May I say that the first section is our chance to make everything right with the Lord right now. The  second section says to me that He will restore to my life the years that the locusts have eaten-even if I was allowing it! Oh and He does mean that literally too. Israel has been attacked horendously by locusts! If THIS is happening now and the Lord says He is there and that His people won’t be shamed again–well, sounds like trumpets to me!!  The third passage speaks of two times right now, because indeed we are seeing the Lord’s Spirit poured out all over the globe where people are hungry for Him; there is prophecy and I know for a fact that in particular Muslim men, the old ones dream of Jesus, the young see visions of Him. These are the Muslim men who honestly seek after God. And He says, if you seek me you will find me. And finally we have certainly seen the wonders of the heavens showering down among us and the incredible increase in volcanic activity over just the past 18 months! I do think based on some teaching I have had that the Moon and the Sun happenings do wait until the Tribulation.